This program
is designed for:
Students who hold a bachelor’s degree generally in a field other than education who wish to pursue teacher certification while simultaneously earning a master’s degree
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Graduate Admissions
P: 706-778-8500 x1352
Teaching on the next level.
The Master of Arts in Teaching program is designed for individuals who hold a bachelor’s degree (generally in a field other than education) and who wish to pursue teacher certification and simultaneously earn a master’s degree.
For candidates who hold a bachelor's degree in a field related to the desired programs of study, who are not currently certified in Georgia, and who seek initial certification in secondary education in English, History, Mathematics or Broadfield Science (6-12).
These 46 semester-hour (minimum) programs include a year-long internship teaching or internship block, plus courses in education and appropriate course work in the content field (based on an analysis of each candidate’s content-field experience). NOTE: Most candidates’ programs require more than the minimum number of courses in the content field. For details, refer to the current advisement sheet in the intended field of certification.
Successful completion of EDUC 5599, Graduate Orientation, is required during the first semester of enrollment. A pre-service certificate must be earned before any course is taken that requires field experience in a public school. Please see your advisement sheet for specifics.
In order to register for Internship II or Advanced Internship II or take the capstone course in any program (whichever occurs last), MAT candidates must successfully pass the appropriate Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators (GACE) content exam(s).
Dual-Degree Track: For Piedmont undergraduates intending to pursue a secondary education Master of Arts in Teaching program in English, or History, or Mathematics, or Broadfield Science leading to recommendation for a T-5 Georgia teaching certificate. Candidates for the Dual-Degree program first secure a bachelor’s degree, following the courses of study dealing with their respective majors for a career in secondary education, including EDSE 3366 Foundations and Practicum in Secondary Education. The Dual Degree track continues with the Master of Arts in Teaching.
Eligibility for application requires a bachelor’s degree with a 2.5 cumulative GPA from an accredited college or university.
Applicants must also submit:
- Graduate Admissions Application
- All official, final transcripts from every college attended
- Two (2) professional references. One reference is required from a supervising administrator, and the other can be a choice of the following: a former professor, or instructor (college instructor, staff development instructor or mentor), or professional colleague
- Testing requirements are currently waived
- Personal Affirmation Form
What classes will I take?
Our graduates are impacting the world.
Students who graduate from Piedmont with an MAT in SECONDARY EDUCATION are prepared to teach in both public and private schools.

Where do I start?
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