Graduate Admissions
P: 800-277-7020
What Benefits Does The Program Provide?
Upon matriculation into the Athletic Training program, Piedmont University provides the following benefits to students in good academic and clinical standing:
- Professional Liability/Malpractice Insurance
- Opportunity to maintain First Aid and Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) Certification
- Minimum of two formal BOC practice exam vouchers
- Student SEATA registration paid (1st year in the program)
- ACES review seminar registration paid (2nd year in the program)
I’m An Athlete—Can I Play Sports?
Absolutely! Students with NCAA-eligibility can participate in intercollegiate athletics in both years of the professional program. It may be difficult to complete all clinical requirements if you play more than one sport, though.
How Much Does The Program Cost?
Students in the first three years of undergraduate classes pay the undergraduate tuition rate (1000 to 4000 level courses). The graduate tuition rate is used after program admission (5000 and 6000 level courses). Graduate tuition is currently significantly lower than undergraduate; see our tuition and room & board rates.
What Other Program Costs Will I Have?
Upon matriculation and prior to engaging in clinical experiences, students must provide the following at their own expense:
- Online access to e*Value for documentation purposes ($150/year billed to the student account)
- Successful background check with 10 Panel Drug Screening (approximately $100) using the service. (Students who have patient contact in agencies regulated by the Joint Commission on the Accreditation of Hospitals and Health Care Organizations (JACHO) and public schools must have a background check.)
- NATA Student membership (annual dues)–$50-$123 based on state of residence ( which must be maintained while in the program
- Proof of current Health or Accident Insurance (front and back of each card; which must be maintained while in the program)
- Signed declaration of understanding and acceptance of all Program Policies and Procedures, including Statement of Confidentiality and HIPPA, as delineated in the Health Sciences Student Handbook
- Proof of a negative TB skin test within the past 12 months (this must be repeated every 12 months)—approximately $15/year
- Clothing – approximately $60-$100 (Depends on items and the amount the student wishes to purchase)
- Transportation – Students are responsible for their own transportation to clinical site rotations. The cost is approximately $200 per semester for those terms in which the student is participating in an off-campus clinical experience.
Depending upon the clinical experience placement, students may also be required to have:
- Continuing background checks as required by the sites
- Submit additional site-specific paperwork, immunizations, or drug testing
- Submit or complete other site-specific training modules
The Piedmont University Athletic Training Program is accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education (CAATE), 2001 K Street, NW, Washington, DC, 20006.