Interested in Criminal Justice?
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Undergraduate Admissions
P: 706-776-0103
FRSC 1101. Introduction to Forensic Science
CRJU 1290. Introduction to Criminal Justice
CRJU 2335. Criminal Investigation
SOSC 3310. Research methods and Analysis
SOCI 3330. Police and Society
SOCI 3331. Juvenile Justice
CRJU 3370. Adjudication Process
CRJU 3385. Punishment in the United States
CRJU 3390. Criminology
CRJU 4415. Criminal Law and Procedure
CRJU 4430. Homeland Security & Terrorism
SOSC 3398. Internship (3 hours)
SOSC 4480. Senior Seminar
MATH 2100. Elementary Statistics
CRJU 3335. Criminal Investigation
CRJU 3380. Victimology
CRJU 4430. Homeland Security and Terrorism
CRJU 4475. Selected Topics (related to criminal justice)
PSYC 4415. Abnormal Psychology
SOCI 4410. Ethnic and Racial minorities
SOSC 3398. Internship OR the 6-hour Technology & Crime concentration
GISS 2200. Introduction to geographical information Systems
GISS 3300. Geographical information Systems Applications
To protect and serve.
Want to create a safer community? Crime and law enforcement in the 21st century is changing rapidly and becoming more complex than ever before. Law enforcement departments are recognizing these changes and now, regardless of location, are increasingly requiring college coursework just to apply for employment. A degree in criminal justice from Piedmont will designate you as a top job candidate in the field.
Pursuing a degree in criminal justice can help launch your career as a police officer, investigator, cybersecurity agent, federal agent, or fish and game warden. Criminal justice graduates may also pursue broader opportunities in corrections, homeland security, and private security.
Thanks to highly qualified, personable, and dedicated faculty, Piedmont University’s undergraduate degree in criminal justice offers several unique learning opportunities. These include courses in the criminological explanations of serial killings and a required semester-long internship — providing students with practical knowledge and professional contacts they need to launch a successful career.
Piedmont Helps Launch Your Career in Criminal Justice
At Piedmont, criminal justice faculty members are focused on ensuring you are prepared for your career. Professors provide one-on-one access for questions and concerns and are highly involved in helping all students secure internships — and even future employment.
Piedmont students have recent completed internships in Cobb, DeKalb, Forsyth, and Gwinnett counties (all in Georgia) and for the Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI). As a criminal justice student, you will also have access to exciting internship opportunities.
While job outlook varies based on specific career choice, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics projects employment in law enforcement will grow 5 percent from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations. Demand for legal work is also expected to continue as individuals, businesses, and all levels of government require legal services in many areas.
Reach Your Peak Potential.
What can I do with a major in
Piedmont graduates in Criminal Justice have pursued careers in:
- Social Services
- Counseling
- Casework
- Administration
- Court Reporting
- Legal Research
- Law Enforcement
- Judiciary and Law
- Investigations
- Probation
- Business
- Private Security
- Consulting
- Internet Security
- Education
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