Categories: Bachelor’s

Film Production

student on a film production set

Reach Your Peak Potential Students work in various areas of student media, which serves as excellent preparation for their professional careers. Leadership opportunities at Piedmont include: Piedmont Lions Athletic Communications Society of Collegiate Journalists Student Leadership Council The Roar student news organization The Yonahian Yearbook WPCZ-LPFM “Z-98.7” Student Radio Station Roar Video Productions Roar Podcasting…

Special Education

Our graduates are impacting the world. What can I do with a Special Education degree? Most special education teachers work in public schools, teaching students from preschool to high school. Demand for special education services and teachers should rise as students with special needs are being identified earlier in life….

Coaching Concentration

The concentration in Coaching prepares students for entry-level coaching positions in a variety of youth and adult sport and recreation settings, including schools and colleges, community sports programs, and professional sports. Students will apply principles related to all aspects of coaching, including player, team, and administrative communication, leadership, and planning and concepts associated with an…

Athletic Training

The only program of its kind in NCAA DIII in the Southeast, Piedmont allows students to earn an undergraduate in exercise and sports science and graduate degree in athletic training in 5 years….