Category: Campus News

Fine Art is the Focus for FACE Event

The Fine Arts College Experience (FACE) welcomes junior and senior high school students to campus to experience Piedmont University and share their talents with professors. Unlike a general college visit, FACE provides specific information for students interested in the fine arts. Students who plan to major in music, theatre, or the visual arts prepare for…

Piedmont University Singers to Perform Wide-Ranging Repertoire for Audiences in January

The Piedmont University Singers will perform pieces covering a half-century of choral music history during a free concert at 7:30 p.m. on Jan. 25 at the Chapel on Piedmont University’s Demorest campus. The Singers will then give the same performance on Jan. 29 in Athens for the Georgia Music Educators Association. The GMEA is an…

Dia de la Familia Helps Hispanic Families Navigate Higher Education

Books have been written about applying to college because the process can be daunting and the language bewildering. Accepted, admitted, deferred admission, FAFSA, rolling admission, weighted grade point average — what does it all mean? Imagine how much more difficult it would be to do it all in a foreign language and the difference it…

Piedmont University to Host Exhibition Featuring Work of Celebrated Sculptor Kenneth Baskin

Piedmont University’s Mason-Scharfenstein Museum of Art will host an exhibition featuring the work of sculptor Kenneth Baskin beginning Jan. 13. “The museum is excited to host Kenneth Baskin for our first exhibition of 2022. This will be the only exhibition exclusively dedicated to sculpture this year,” said Rebecca Brantley, assistant professor of art and director…

Mellichamp Family Establishes Scholarship Honoring Brother’s Love for Science, Education

Piedmont University students aspiring to become scientists or science educators will benefit from a new $200,000 endowed scholarship the Mellichamp family has established in honor of their late brother, Stuart, who passed away Sept. 18, 2021, at the age of 77. “I think he would be quite touched to know that subsequent generations of students…

Piedmont Grad Set to Start New Job in Actuarial Science, Wants to ‘Extend a Helping Hand’


Just weeks after graduating from Piedmont University, Geeth Mahagamage will start a new position in actuarial science that will allow him to be financially independent — a goal he set for himself years ago as a student in Sri Lanka. “I am really thankful to Piedmont for the opportunities it gave me,” he said. “Now…

Piedmont University Professor Wins National Award for Work In Fields of Creativity and Gifted Education

Piedmont University’s Dr. Sarah Sumners is the recipient of the National Association for Gifted Children Creativity Network’s E. Paul Torrance Award. “This is a great honor,” Sumners said. “I’m proud to represent all those doing outstanding work in the field of creativity.” The Washington, D.C.-based NAGC supports those who enhance the growth and development of…

When COVID Kept Family Away, Brett Loftis Brought Sports Home

Brett Loftis

Six words have made Brett Loftis ’22 a Piedmont University sensation: “Where else would you rather be?” For families who want to watch their student-athletes perform in person, the answer is nowhere else but on campus, but COVID changed the game in 2020. During the pandemic seasons, when Piedmont parents had to watch from a…

She’s 63 and has just been diagnosed with a learning disability. That’s not stopping Piedmont student Carmen Schuerman.

For 63 years, Carmen Schuerman struggled with mathematics. She failed the second grade. She needed fingers and toes to work problems others could solve with paper and pencil. When the math became too advanced, she had to draw dots contained in circles to help her “see” the sums and quotients. At one of her first…