Category: Alumni News

Piedmont University to Celebrate Summer Commencement on July 30


More than 200 students will graduate from Piedmont University this summer. “On behalf of everyone at Piedmont University, I extend my sincerest congratulations to the graduates and their families,” said President James F. Mellichamp. “You are to be commended for your persistence and commitment to your education, even in the face of a global pandemic….

Jasmine Sanchez Overcame Challenges to Earn Nursing Degree


Piedmont University promises students a personalized educational experience, marked by small class sizes and close relationships with their instructors. Jasmine Sanchez is proof of just how powerful that combination can be. “My life changed here at Piedmont. I learned to never give up, and I learned it’s OK to ask for help,” said Sanchez, who…

JAMES Magazine ranks Piedmont among top 3 colleges in state

JAMES Magazine has ranked Piedmont University as one of the top three colleges in Georgia. Every year, JAMES Magazine releases its list of Georgia’s top colleges and universities. According to JAMES, the rankings are based on statistics from outside rating services and detailed reports from the University System of Georgia.  Piedmont, which became a university…

Deal to bring hits by country greats to Piedmont’s Arrendale Ampitheater

Country Performer Katie Deal

Come kick up your boots as Piedmont University welcomes the community back to campus by presenting Real Deal Country with Katie Deal at 7 p.m. on August 7 at the Arrendale Amphitheater in Demorest. Deal and her five-piece Nashville band will lead a fun-filled evening of entertainment celebrating the music of country music greats. Featured…

Murley found a mission helping homeless in Dublin

Bethany Murley ’13 has been in Dublin, Ireland, since October 2019 serving as a volunteer for the Dublin Simon Community. The 50-year-old organization battles homelessness with the attitude, “Until they can close their own door behind them, the most vulnerable members of our society will always be at their most vulnerable.” Murley’s father was a…

Persevering through a Pandemic

Piedmont athletic teams had no problem getting dressed up for the fall season. Finding somewhere to go proved to be a challenge. “Almost impossible,” says athletics director Jim Peeples when asked how difficult it was to schedule opponents in the fall, “and I think that has been a drain on our coaching staff. They were…

Bringing calm to chaos

Callahan serves with veteran-led disaster response organization Team Rubicon Greyshirts are hard charging, take control and get-stuff-done types who bring a sense of calm after a catastrophe. They belong to Team Rubicon, a nonprofit organization led by veterans that utilizes the skills and experiences of military veterans with first responders to rapidly deploy emergency response…

Back home

Chuck Young’s Bronx-based journey to Piedmont and back again has a bit of everything. Humor. Nostalgia. Resilience. But it all began by happenchance.                Raised in the New York City borough, Young’s upbringing was solidly working class. His father was a laborer and his mom cleaned offices. Charles and Catherine never attended college but they wanted…