Active: A fully initiated member of Greek organization who is currently participating as a member.
Bid: An invitation of membership to an IFC or Panhellenic organization.
Chapter: A membership unit of a national or international fraternity or sorority.
Colony/Provisional Chapter: a probationary body of a national fraternity or sorority. It can be considered a new Greek organization that is awaiting official recognition from their international headquarters to maintain a chapter on their college’s campus.
Crossed: The date in which a member crossed into an NPHC fraternity or sorority to become an active member.
Dues: The monetary costs of membership in a fraternity or sorority.
Initiation/Induction: A traditional ritual that brings a new member or neo into full membership of the sorority or fraternity.
Interfraternity Council (IFC): A council of elected officers and delegates from men’s fraternities on a college campus.
National Pan-Hellenic Council (NPHC): A council of elected officers and delegates from NPHC organizations on a college campus.
Neophyte (Neo): A member of an NPHC organization who most recently crossed, it is also anyone who crossed after you.
New Member: A person who has accepted a bid from an IFC or Panhellenic organization.
Panhellenic Council (PHC): A council of elected officers and delegates from Panhellenic organizations on a college campus.
Prophyte: A member of an NPHC organization who has participated in bringing in a new group of members.
Recruitment: The process Panhellenic sororities and IFC fraternities use to mutually select new members.
Yard: The term used to refer to the particular campus or university an NPHC chapter is established.