Leadership Endeavors assist with recruitment and University-related activities to enhance the public and instructional image of the university, its students, and its programs.
Campus Activities Board (CAB)
The charge to the organization is to efficiently and effectively provide a variety of cultural, social, recreational, entertaining and educational programs for the Piedmont University community and promote student engagement on campus. ADVISOR: Cat Wiles
League of Lions (LOL)
League of Lions is a program that has building community, promoting campus activities, and enhancing the experience of each student at its core. It aims to accomplish these goals through the areas of Community Involvement, On-Campus Involvement, Professional Development, Academics, Athletics, and Fine Arts. Through the achievement and involvement of the students, the League of Lions will benefit each individual, the staff, the university, and the community at large.
Lions Leadership Institute
Piedmont University’s leadership institute strives to develop responsible campus and community leaders through the use of leadership education, experiential learning opportunities, and community or civic engagement initiatives. The Lions Leadership Institute is designed to help students have a better understanding of leadership and develop their own leadership style. The program also assists in the development of personal leadership and organizational skills while encouraging participants to improve interpersonal communication. ADVISOR: Kim Crawford
M.A.N.E. Leaders
Piedmont M.A.N.E. Leaders play a vital role in new students’ adjustment to the Piedmont University campus and community. Leaders will build community by facilitating activities, communicating information, and helping new students understand the University’s culture and values. ADVISOR: Jason Croy
National Society of Leadership & Success
The Society is an organization that helps people discover and achieve their goals. The Society offers life-changing lectures from the nation's leading presenters and a community where like-minded, success-oriented individuals come together and help one another succeed. The Society also serves as a powerful force of good in the greater community by encouraging and organizing action to better the world. The guiding question we established to shape all the important decisions the organization makes is: “Are we helping the greatest number of people in the greatest way?” ADVISOR: Cat Wiles
Student Government Association
The purpose of the Student Government Association (SGA), authorized by the Piedmont University Administration, is to represent the rights and opinions of the student body in a manner consistent with the mission of Piedmont University to provide for appropriate student activities, and to join with the faculty and administrators of the University in building a stronger, more effective educational community. ADVISOR: Dr. Kim Crawford
Team Piedmont
TEAM PIEDMONT Student Ambassadors act as liaisons between the Office of Undergraduate Admissions and the outside community. They provide campus tours to prospective students and their families, as well as prospective faculty and staff members. TEAM also provides assistance to Undergraduate Admissions for all recruitment events held on campus throughout the year. They also help in the day-to-day tasks within the Office of Undergraduate Admissions. ADVISORS: Chelsea Wilkes and Jalen Davis