Parents & Families

We are family here.
You are part of the Pride.

Piedmont University values parents and families and considers you part of the Lion Pride. You play an essential role in your student's success and strengthen Piedmont as an institution. Parents and families may sign up for PawPrint, our family engagement newsletter. The newsletter features timely information and news from around campus. We also encourage parents and families to volunteer their time to help others who are new to the Piedmont University experience.
Email Terrie Ellerbee, parent communications specialist, to sign up for the newsletter or to volunteer with other parents for events like freshman move-in day, new student orientation, off-campus admissions events, and more.


Appreciation Shown for Resident Assistants 

One of the first things Residence Life Director Joe Strickland-Burdette wanted to do when he joined Piedmont last fall was to honor the efforts of Resident Assistants (RAs). These are Residence Life student workers who receive extensive training on everything from room inspections and conflict resolution to fire safety/prevention training and mental health support at the beginning of each semester as well as other ongoing training throughout the year. They are intended to be role models for the communities they serve. 

“They are mentors, resource guides, and diligent in their care and support for their residents and the entire Residence Life team,” Strickland-Burdette said. “Not only do they manage the role of being an RA, but many of them also manage other obligations in addition to being an undergraduate student whether it be representing Piedmont in the athletic arenas, serving in University Admissions as tour guides, or their involvement in one of the multitude of student organizations offered on campus.”

This semester, 24 RAs cover three “areas” that each encompass either several buildings within one hall or three or more residence halls in proximity to one another. The RAs are supervised by Assistant Directors (ADs), who are full-time, live-in, professional Piedmont University employees. There are three ADs. Alex Drake has been on staff at Piedmont for over two years and has more about 12 years in the profession total. Ana Lopez Prado and Leo Galarza both graduated from Piedmont last year and were RAs as students. 

RAs under Alex in the “Center Point” area (Johnson, Mayflower, Purcell, Swanson, and Wallace) include Skyler Seeber, Rohan Kavali, Caitlyn Chilito, Delyna Fuller, Clayton Maddox, Julia Pitts, Nicole Robinson, and Josiah Tillett.

AD Ana is the direct supervisor over RAs in the “Upper Hill” area (Ipswich, Mystic, New Bedford, Plymouth). RAs include Henry Avila, Trinitee Keel, Natalie Hanson, Jocelyn Maseda, Julian Ortega, Khiyah Tate, Matthew Blocksom, Lizzie Ivey, Lanie McCarty, Alyssa McSpadden, and Chenesy Seagraves.

Leo oversees all the Piedmont Village buildings and RAs Garrett Burton, Blaze Mason, Hollan Rabensdorf, Sarah Row, and Alex Wingate.

“Within Residence Life, RAs are mission critical in the effort to provide the best residential experience possible. The Residence Life professional staff would not be able to successfully accomplish a fraction of the day-in and day-out work if it was not for the dedication of these students who are often asked to, and willingly do, put aside their personal desires to prioritize the needs and well-being of their residents. While there is plenty of benefit that come with being an RA, that does not come without personal sacrifices.  Words cannot efficiently describe the level of appreciation we feel for these campus leaders because, without them, Piedmont University would miss a crucial piece of student connection and development,” Strickland-Burdette said.

We appreciate the hard work of all involved in Residence Life! 

Before some of the Spring 2025 RAs graduate or move on to new opportunities, a day of appreciation was held for them in the Commons in February. See pics from the event below!

How AI Helps Piedmont Students Find Success in College and Careers

Piedmont University’s Career Services office uses Artificial intelligence (AI) to help guide students as they consider college courses, internships, graduate school, and potential career paths by employing a platform called YouScience.

Piedmont University began using YouScience in 2018. Thanks to Lisa Mann, director of Career Services at Piedmont, every undergraduate student is exposed to YouScience during the “Piedmont 1101” course, designed to help them adjust to and prepare for success in college.

Students take what YouScience calls a “Discovery” assessment. Career Services walks students through the outcomes of the assessment. The results are useful for college and career planning as students learn about their natural abilities.

Students are often introduced to YouScience in middle or high school, so you may already be familiar with the science-backed brain games students use to discover their aptitudes, interests, and best-fit careers.

“We help them use their results to understand the existing tools in their toolkit and help them differentiate between their aptitudes and interests,” Mann said. “So many students can’t understand how to turn their love of theater, for example, into a career. The Discovery results help them understand who they are and start the conversation about career.”

This is the fourth year that every freshman class has taken the assessment. Mann shared the top aptitudes of Piedmont students based on YouScience results:

Data Analyst
Fraud Analyst
Physical Therapist
Nursing Supervisor
Healthcare Administrator

“We see many business and healthcare fields pop up in the results,” Mann said. “We also see law enforcement pop up frequently, and careers such as investigator and wildlife and fisheries agent.”

Students, especially those in their first year of college, are encouraged to meet with Mann in Career Services “early and often,” Mann said.

Career Services advises students in their first and second years of college to cultivate relationships with professors for future research project opportunities and scholarship/graduate school recommendations; to take rigorous courses to assess interests and keep up GPAs; and to participate in extracurricular activities like student organizations, research, volunteerism, and travel study.

In years three and four, the office will adjust its guidance for students depending on whether they are bound for graduate school or a career. Career Services uses the results from YouScience assessments to review students’ interests, characteristics, likes, and dislikes to help students prepare for internships. Students may schedule a career coaching appointment, participate in the Intern for a Day program, and apply for internships, especially for the summer. 

Career Services strives to provide career development-focused programs and services for undergraduate students, graduate students, and alumni that are meaningful and in line with industry demand. To learn more, please visit Career Services.

—Piedmont University Career Services was featured in a YouScience article in 2023, and some details in this story are drawn from that piece. Read the entire YouScience article here.

Chief of Police Kept Calm for Piedmont Students and Families as Hurricane Helene Passed Over North Georgia

As unprecedented weather threatened Piedmont University, Chief James Andrews let parents and other loved ones know he and his department were watching over students who rode out the storm on campus. 

Chief began a series of posts on the Piedmont University Parents & Families private Facebook group on Thursday, Sept. 26, at 8:07 a.m. by asking members to make sure their students were prepared. Those heading home should get an early start and gas up locally before leaving. For those staying, Chief shared how he was preparing and how they should, too.

“This morning, I made sure to charge my insulin pump fully in preparation for several days of no power. Please encourage them to make sure they do the same for medical devices and their phones.”

Chief’s co-workers jumped on to thank him for looking out for the Piedmont community. 

“Most caring person on campus! Thank you, Chief,” wrote VP of Student Affairs Dr. Kim Crawford. 

Piedmont University Campus Police would operate as usual during the storm Sept. 26-27, as would Residential Life. Chief explained to parents that dining hall staff were on a modified schedule with hopes they would not have to travel in the worst of it. Otherwise, campus operations were suspended.

“This storm has the potential to be very dangerous, and we can expect to be without power for quite some time. This most certainly could affect water outages as well. I hope this information helps you and your students to make wise decisions during this difficult time. Rest assured that my officers and I will do everything we can to ensure your students’ safety.”

As usual when he is posting on the Piedmont app or Facebook, he signs off with “Chief Jim Andrews.” With students and colleagues, it is almost always just “Chief.”

At 4:50 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 26, Chief told parents in the group how much he appreciated that they heeded his advice and reached out as he’d asked. Chief’s tone became more serious as he asked parents and families to tell students that the time had come to be settled in on campus. 

Piedmont University Campus Police Chief Jim Andrews speaks with a parent during First-year Student Move-In Day in August 2024.

“Today, Hank Knight and the maintenance crew have worked very hard to put out sandbags and other essential chores to ensure your students’ safety. Dr. Kim Crawford has spoken to her team to ensure the RAs and RDs are also prepared for any situation that they may encounter during this storm. President Marshall Criser is on campus to assist in any way that he may be needed during this crisis.

Chief told parents this would be his last communication until after the storm had passed and he had the all-clear. 

If you do not hear from your student for a while, don’t worry. Remember, if your student is in urgent need, I will find a way to contact you. Remember the old adage, no news is good news. I really believe Piedmont University is prepared for the worst, as best we can. But we are all praying for the best. I am also praying for the best for our extended Piedmont family. Take care and stay safe!! Chief Jim Andrews”

The next morning, at 8:30 a.m., Chief posts that the electricity has been out since about 1:15 a.m.

“OK, parents, going to be brief to save my phone. We are holding up well besides fire alarms going off due to power outage. Appears we are in the eye now, as things are very quiet. Lost a few trees, but all students are safe.” 

Friday at 11:39 a.m., Chief gave the last update:

“Well, parents and loved ones, the worst seems to finally be behind us (praise the Lord).  Most power has been restored to campus, and any building without should be restored soon. I have released the students from the dorms with instructions to limit travel as some roads are closed due to fallen trees and utility work. Maintenance is still on campus and working hard to tie up any loose ends.

Communications with your student may be difficult for a while. I had to strategically place myself so I could send you this message. 

We are still experiencing rain and some wind gusts, but I have kept the students in one spot about as long as possible. 

Our campus weathered the storm very well all things considered. All seems good except for several fallen limbs and a few split trees. I will have two officers on duty this afternoon for any needs your student may have. I hope all of you fared as well as we have. I hope even more that you feel we have served your student well! Chief.”

Loved ones did not keep Chief in suspense about how they felt. 

Yes! You have served all students and families well. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts! You are the best! We feel our daughter is well taken care of. Get some well-deserved rest.
Tina Lakey

Thank you for the updates! We are in California, and my daughter has never been through this (neither have we). The info has been great. Thank you for everything that you and your officers have done and continue to do. — Shelby Crawford

Thank you so much for keeping all us parents well informed! Great to know we've got very caring and concerned law officers watching over our kiddos. Thanks again! — Elliott Hill

Thank you for all the information!! Piedmont University should be very proud of all their staff and how well they communicate with everyone! Thank you, Chief, and your wonderful staff!!! — Gretta Valiente

Thank you, Chief. With our precious package there with you and the amazing support at Piedmont, we are able to sleep knowing she is safe under your watch. Thank you — Ronnie Mirenda

Chief Andrews and his team are among the many reasons ranked Piedmont University the No. 3 Safest Campus in Georgia for 2024. 

Follow this link to join the private Piedmont University Parents & Families Facebook group

Students Do Sleep Sometimes

And Why Do the Res Halls Close During Finals?

In the last newsletter, we introduced you to sophomore Aubrie Burrell, who, just before the fall semester began, held a class for professors to teach them what it is like to be a student at Piedmont University. She anticipated some of their questions, like when she had time to study, eat, or sleep. Last time, we covered when she had time to eat.

So, when does she sleep? 

Burrell resisted the urge to say “never.”

Burrell is a Theatre Arts major with a full schedule. Her days typically begin at about 9:30 or 10 a.m. and go until 5 p.m. — if she is not involved in a theatre production. This semester, she was a cast member in the musical RENT. Burrell talked about “tech week,” the week before opening night. That marks the introduction of elements like costume changes, lights, and sound. 

“But tech weekends are very long, exhausting days. Typically, rehearsals are 10-10. Dress rehearsals go late into the evening,” Burrell said. “I do try to go to sleep by midnight, and then I wake up between 7:30 and 8:30 a.m.”

Midnight. Ah, college.

All the talk about the domestic side of student life had one professor asking why students must move out of the residence halls around the same time they are taking final exams. For the fall semester, the residence halls will close on Tuesday, Dec. 12. Final exams are scheduled for that day. 

Madison Smith, formerly director of Residence Life at Piedmont (she now works in HR), answered that one. A lot goes on while the residence halls are closed. Crews complete a deep clean on the 900 rooms before the spring semester. There may also be repairs alongside routine maintenance. 

It isn’t hard to imagine the same issues in the spring, minus the extended holidays. Piedmont hosts camps and conferences with guests in residence halls, so the same procedures apply.

Smith said students may request to stay on campus if needed, like a final exam after the housing closing date. If approved, students may check out later. A form for this purpose is required, and students must notify the housing office about the request. This information is shared with students via their Lions email accounts and Residence Life social media accounts. 

We invite you to check out the next FE-Line newsletter for some final Q&As from Burrell’s presentation to professors.

What do parents love about Piedmont University?

“I love that my daughter has excelled in swim and academics. She has made lifelong friendships. I love the fact that classes are small and she can get more one-on-one time with her professors. Piedmont University has become her home, and she loves it there. From the resident advisor to her teammates and Coach Teddy to Bruce Willis, to each person on the third floor of Mystic, it has given her a family away from home.”
—Tammy Simmons Polk (Tressie's mom)

“I love hearing my daughter say she loves school and loves her professors for the first time ever! School has always been challenging for her, and the extra time and attention that Piedmont professors give to their students have made a huge difference for her. I also love hearing her talk about how kind and helpful Ms. Lynn at the Student Success Center and Ms. Melba in the cafeteria are. They have gotten to know my daughter and helped her feel at home on campus.”
—Jen Bucknell (Daisy's Mom)

From One Parent to Another:
Three Things That Impressed Me About Piedmont

by Jennifer Williams
(Emma's Mom)


My daughter, Emma, is a rising third-year student. I’d like to share a little bit of her Piedmont story in order to highlight three things that impress me as a parent.

When Emma was looking at colleges, she thought she wanted to major in Elementary Education, and she knew she wanted to play soccer. Piedmont has an excellent reputation for both. Emma made a verbal commitment to play soccer in April 2019 and received her official letter of acceptance a few months later.

A lot had changed by the time she entered in the fall of 2020. While still fully committed to playing soccer, she wasn’t as sure about her chosen major. 

Just a few weeks after arriving on campus, she and Lisa Mann, director of career services, talked about Emma’s strengths and interests and looked over the results of an aptitude test Emma took as part of the SAIL program. Dr. Mann suggested several career paths to consider.

Emma was drawn to Speech-Language Pathology, and as it turned out, Piedmont was just beginning an undergraduate program in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Armed with information and guidance from career services, Emma switched majors, and her new path has been a great fit.

Piedmont wants your student to succeed and provides resources to help. That is the first thing that impresses me.

Emma’s athletic experience at Piedmont has also been a great fit. Coach Timmy McCormack very obviously wants the team to do well on the pitch and win games — which they do. During Emma’s first season with the Lions, the team won the division tournament title, and during her second, they were regular-season champions. He also cares about their performance in the classroom. He keeps tabs on their grades, and freshmen have mandatory study hall hours. But most of all, he cares about them as people, which helps foster a family environment. The team has fun together on the pitch, on the sidelines, traveling, and in the dorms.

Piedmont athletics lists family, excellence, integrity, and accountability among its core values. It’s a positive culture, and that’s the second thing that impresses me. 

The third thing that impresses me is the academic opportunities outside the classroom.

Piedmont encourages undergraduate research and creative inquiry. Emma is working on a project with the director of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. She and Dr. Monica Bellon-Harn are examining inequities clinicians may encounter in the field and developing an online curriculum designed to prepare students for graduate work with a social justice focus. If you’re interested, you can read more about the projects on Piedmont’s website

As part of her research, Emma has had the opportunity to interview and collaborate with faculty at Piedmont and several other colleges. She presented at Piedmont’s Symposium in April. This fall, Emma, along with Dr. Bellon-Harn and student Jaycie Ponce, will present at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention in New Orleans. This type of learning experience helps Emma excel in the classroom now, will help her graduate school application be more competitive, and ultimately help her be a better speech-language pathologist.

Your student’s Piedmont story won’t be the same as Emma’s, of course. They may need tutoring or counseling services instead of career advice. Their “team” might be theatre or yearbook or FCA. Their academic path may lead them to study abroad instead of a research project. Encourage them to get involved and to take advantage of services and opportunities available to them here.

Your student will find their fit, and you will be impressed.

Welcome to Piedmont. Go Lions!

Move-In Day for Freshmen is Saturday, Aug. 9!

Download this list: WHAT TO BRING!

Financial Aid FAQs

  1. What is Financial Aid? Money to pay for college! It comes in many different forms. There is gift aid, such as scholarships and grants that you don’t have to pay back. There are also loan options available (which you do have to pay back). 
  2. How do I apply for financial aid? Students need to complete a FAFSA each academic year to be evaluated and offered financial aid. The FAFSA can be completed at If you choose not to complete a FAFSA, you must complete an Institutional Aid Application. This can be found at
  3. What is the FAFSA? The Free Application for Federal Student Aid, FAFSA, allows our office to evaluate you for federal financial aid, such as the Federal PELL Grant and federal student loans, and state financial aid (if applicable). The FAFSA opens each year on October 1st. Remember, the earlier you complete the FAFSA, the earlier we can offer financial aid! 
  4. What are the federal student loan options? There are two types of federal student loans; the Federal Direct Subsidized Loan and Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loan. The only difference between the loans is that the subsidized loan does not accrue interest while you are enrolled and the unsubsidized loan does accrue interest while you are enrolled. You can view more information about federal student loans at 
  5. What is verification? If you are selected for verification, this is a process where we are required to collect documentation to verify that the information on the FAFSA is correct. Students are selected for verification by the Department of Education. For this process, we will send you an email with the information we need to complete verification, such as tax documents or W-2 forms.
  6. What if I have special circumstances? If your financial situation has changed since completing the FAFSA, give us a call or send us an email! We can look at your financial aid to see if we can complete a process called Professional Judgment. During this process, we collect documentation to see if the financial change is great enough to qualify you for more aid. 
  7. What are my other options?
    • Scholarships/Grants: For additional assistance, you can look for outside scholarships through community organizations or online resources. We typically recommend students visit and to search for scholarships. There are also scholarships available on the Georgia Department of Labor website.  
    • Parent Plus Loan: For dependent students, your parent can apply for a Federal Parent Plus Loan. This is a federal loan that can be applied for at There is a credit check involved with applying for this loan. If the parent is denied, the student may be eligible for additional unsubsidized loans.
    • Alternative loans: Loans that can be applied for through a bank, credit union, or other type of loan lender. You can find more information about alternative loans at
    • Georgia Student Access Loan (SAL): a 1% interest rate loan offered by the state of Georgia. You must complete a FAFSA to qualify. This loan requires monthly Keep In Touch payments (KIT) at $10 monthly. To apply, visit

First-Year Success:

Does Your Student Know How to Clean a Lint Trap?

Making the transition from high school senior to college freshman comes with some challenges. We asked Madison Smith, Piedmont University’s director of residential living, to share tips for parents of prospective students who plan to live on campus. 

Her most important tip is to recognize that there will be a new set of expectations in college.

“The time commitments in a university environment are a completely different structure than a high school classroom. Teaching your student about time management and balancing their priorities is crucial,” Smith said. 

Smith also suggests parents have a conversation with their students about sharing a space/having a roommate. Have they had experience with this before?

Also, make sure your student knows how to:

  • Do laundry. (Don’t forget the lint trap!)
  • Operate a microwave.
  • Clean his/her space properly.
  • Take equal responsibility for the condition of his/her room.

“Your student may experience things that are unfamiliar to them in a college environment,” Smith said. “Expressing the importance of communication can make all the difference whether it be academically, socially, or mentally. There are resources on campus that can help your student adjust.”

Residential Life also offers these conversation starters for you and your student as they prepare for college: 

• Registering for classes/registration dates and deadlines. Remind your student to watch for these dates. They tend to come well before a semester ends. For example, registration for the Spring 2022 semester began in October. Registration dates are shared on the Piedmont University app and via newsletters sent to student email addresses. For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar, 706-776-0112 or

• How to get in touch with campus faculty/staff when they need maintenance in their residence hall. Students use the housing portal ERezLife to ask for help with maintenance in their residence hall living space. This is also the portal students use when they turn in housing applications and complete immunization requirements. 

• How to get in touch with campus faculty/staff when they need maintenance in their residence hall. Students use the housing portal ERezLife to sign up for housing. However, Resident Assistants (RA) in the residence halls can help with maintenance requests for their living space or in case of roommate conflicts. Residential Living staff work on forms such as health and safety inspections that occur once a semester within this portal also.

• How to budget their finances to afford books and living essentials.

• How to balance their time between school, work, athletics, and social lives. 

• How to keep track of their meal plan/picking the correct meal plan to fit their needs during the semester.

• How to submit an IT ticket and get help with technical issues. Students may access the help ticket submission on the website.

• Requesting counseling services. Students may request an appointment via a student portal with a member of the counseling staff. 

In addition, here are two of the helpful resources your student will find at Piedmont University:

Learning Center—The Learning Center offers academic support in many areas, including accounting, foreign languages, math, science, and writing. Tutors are selected by department chairs, trained in the art of tutoring, and monitored to provide the individualized attention students need. The center can also help with test-taking, time management, study skills, and note-taking skills.

Student Success Center—Help is available in many areas at Piedmont’s Student Success Center, including:

  • Self-Exploration & Goal Setting
  • Time Management/Organization Assistance
  • Study Skills & Methodologies
  • Campus Resource Referral & Assistance
  • Interest, Major & Career Exploration 
  • Personalized Meetings & Support

Residential Life Offers Tips for Families of Current Students

Once a student has made the transition from high school senior to college freshman and overcomes some of the immediate challenges, others will follow. We asked Madison Smith, Piedmont University’s director of residential living, to share some tips for parents of current students who live on campus. The bottom line: asking for help is always encouraged.

“No matter how much experience a student may have at a university, issues may still arise. Of course, adjustment and problem solving get easier, but stressing the importance of communication can greatly impact a student’s career,” Smith said. “Roommate conflict, academic issues, and mental health issues are common among university students. Resources on campus can help alleviate some of those stressors. It is never a bad idea to ask for help.”

Smith suggests that parents make sure their student knows who they should reach out to when they have issues to address. 

“Parents can help with many issues, like budgeting a student’s time and money, for example, but for others, there is help on campus,” she said.

She offers several examples, including:

• When to register for classes (registration dates and deadlines). Remind your student to watch for these dates. They tend to come well before a semester ends. For example, registration for the Spring 2022 semester began in October. Registration dates are shared on the Piedmont University app and via newsletters sent to student email addresses. For more information, contact the Office of the Registrar, 706-776-0112 or

• How to get in touch with campus faculty/staff when they need maintenance in their residence hall. Students use the housing portal ERezLife to ask for help with maintenance in their residence hall living space. This is also the portal students use when they turn in housing applications and complete immunization requirements. 

• How to budget their finances to afford books and living essentials.

• How to balance their time between school, work, athletics, and social lives. 

• How to keep track of their meal plan/picking the correct meal plan to fit their needs during the semester.

• How to submit an IT ticket and get help with technical issues. Students may access the help ticket submission on the website. Here is the link:

More questions? Visit for more information!

Why choose Piedmont?

Piedmont has the safest campus in Georgia. rates Piedmont University as the No. 1 safest campus in Georgia. Nearly three-quarters of our student population lives on campus.

At Piedmont, 96 percent of students receive financial aid.
Accepted students who enroll receive offer letters so you know upfront how to budget. You will find that Piedmont is competitive with the largest public universities in Georgia.

Piedmont feels like coming home.
Our alumni say Piedmont felt like home to them. Piedmont’s beautiful campus is nestled in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in Northeast Georgia.

Piedmont degrees lead to job opportunities.
Our professors have real-world experience and the right professional relationships to ensure job opportunities after college. Case in point: Piedmont is No. 1 in teacher placements in Georgia

Piedmont will challenge your student.
Did you know Piedmont has ties to Harvard and Yale? Forty-five percent of our incoming 2021 class were in the top 2 academic tiers, with an average GPA of 3.54 and ACT score of 22.9, which places them ahead of 64 percent of their peers academically.

Other Links

Piedmont University Parents & Families Facebook Group
We have avenues for parents and families to talk to each other as well as to the institution. One great resource is our parents and families Facebook group—created just for you.

See your student's achievements on Merit
You can go to Piedmont's Merit page, type in your student's name, and see all of his or her achievements! If you don't see your student at first, try typing in just the last name.

Academic Calendar
The Academic Calendar is a great resource for dates related to registration, academic advisement, final exams, graduation, and holidays.

Northeast Georgia
Surrounded by the natural beauty of Northeast Georgia, our Demorest campus is nestled in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. Our Athens campus is in the Normaltown neighborhood near downtown’s trendy shops, late-night hangouts, and eateries to suit every taste. 

Honey Magee, Piedmont Alumni Association Board Past-President Lisa Black, Jennifer Williams, Lynn Thomas, Monya Smith, and Chase Krokosky.


Helping Your Student Cope with the ‘Second Semester Blues'

Sean Williamson

By Sean Williamson
Director, Counseling Services
Piedmont University

Many students return to college in January with a sense of dread. The “Second Semester Blues” are a phenomenon that students can experience for many different reasons.

The first semester of school is often exciting and new and can be a transitional time for first-time students — new relationships, new responsibilities, and freedoms. But the second semester can increase tension, homesickness, and exam stress.

Students in a study in England made comments like: “First term is when you meet all these people who you think are going to be your best friends. The second term is when you realize you can’t stand them.” Others stated that the overwhelming feeling is a disappointment, like “I’m here, now what?” Still, other students struggle with the colder weather and darker days. 

If you notice your student struggling — stressing or feeling pressure, questioning their social circle, second-guessing their major, expressing thoughts of quitting or “the grass is greener…” — here are a few things you can do.

Encourage them to get/stay involved. There are so many clubs and organizations for your student to get involved in at Piedmont University. Being connected breeds a sense of community and being a part of something bigger.

Listen. Don’t feel like you must have all the answers. Sometimes just lending your ear or being there for your student is what they are looking for.

Help them to use the second semester as an opportunity to plan. Help them to set goals, use time management, and focus on strategies that could have helped them feel more secure in the first semester. 

Frame the second semester as “a new beginning.” Encourage exploration into new majors or social atmospheres if some element of school didn’t work out well in the Fall. As a parent, this might be beneficial for you as well. You may need to revisit your own expectations for your student’s college experience. 

Talk to your student about their health, especially sleep, diet, and exercise. And, don’t forget financial health. Money can be a huge stressor, so help them stick to a budget. 

Encourage your student not to make any major decisions. Help them to take a step back and get a bigger picture. The blues will eventually pass. 

Finally, encourage your student to talk to a professional if the feelings persist. Piedmont University offers free, professional, confidential counseling services that are available to all students. 

The “Second Semester Blues” may take you and your student by surprise. Talk with them, listen, and encourage them to move forward, get involved, take care of themselves, and seek help if needed. Help them understand that this is a natural part of the college development journey.  

For more information, email Sean at

Claire Allinson Wants Everyone to Just Get Out(doors)

Note: Claire has moved on to another position, but no worries. More opportunities for recreation and adventure await! Contact her successor, Jason Croy, at

Claire Allinson’s unofficial title could be outdoor recreationalist or adventure organizer. She is the face behind

Adventure Trips for Piedmont University students. Upcoming adventures include a ski trip in early February, horseback riding and/or caving in March, and a sunset hike in April.

Her official title is assistant director of student life. Along with creating wellness initiatives and programming and managing the student staff of the fitness center and the rock wall, Allinson is responsible for planning and organizing the Adventure Trips. Her goal is to nudge people out of their comfort zone. 

“My passion is getting people outdoors and showing them, especially students, that just because you’ve never done something before and just because it seems scary — and all these factors are holding you back — you can do it,” she said. “I want to enable students to try new things, learn about themselves, and grow as a person.”

Everyone knows the comfort zone. Fewer know about the panic and growth zones that people fall into when tackling a new challenge, like a ropes course, rappelling, or climbing an indoor rock wall. 

“The panic zone is when you are doing something completely outside of what you’ve ever done, and you’re panicking. It’s not fun and you’re not learning,” Allinson said. “What outdoor professionals are shooting for is that middle zone, which is called the growth zone.”

In the growth zone, people try something completely new to them while feeling safe and supported. 

Allinson came to Piedmont last October to accompany her sister, Caroline, who was visiting campus as she explores options for college. Claire climbed the rock wall in the Commons. She talked to student employees and Vice President of Student Life and Leadership Dr. Kim Crawford. She learned about the job opening and after a little research decided Piedmont was a good fit. She said the visit with her sister “very serendipitous.”

She hopes to offer belay certification with training on the rock wall at Piedmont. To climb “on belay” in the most basic terms means to support a climber in case of a misstep, which happens to be the perfect metaphor for getting students safely out of their comfort zone.

Allinson had to learn how to put herself in the growth zone before she could help others. She achieved Level 2 certification through the Association for Challenge Course Technology (ACCT) while she was a student worker at the University of North Georgia. She graduated in 2020 with degrees in math and accounting.

“I learned so much getting those degrees; not only about the subjects but just the hardy determination of getting through my classes, especially because I was in the honors program,” she said. “In the future I might settle down and work in accounting, but for now, I just love being outdoors and getting other people outdoors.” 

Opportunities for Adventure Trips may be found on event calendars posted around campus and on the Piedmont student app. For more information, email Jason Croy at

Keyla Stephens

Counselor Keyla Stephens on Anxiety and Virtual Care

Anxiety is the No. 1 issue students discuss with counselors at Piedmont University. 

When students come to Licensed Professional Counselor Keyla Stephens with anxiety, she always asks some basic questions: “Are you eating regularly?” “Are you getting enough sleep?” Self-care is vital.

“Sleep is a big one,” she said. “Without proper sleep, your body feels run down. You can’t think clearly, or problem-solve. Feeling highly anxious and forgetting to eat or drink anything can drop your blood sugar and affect your blood pressure — and those symptoms can mimic an anxiety attack.”

Students must learn to be responsible for their well-being, including their mental and emotional health. Stephens suggests parents check in with students and listen to their concerns without trying to “fix” their problems.

“You were at home with your parents, and you knew that it would be OK, because they would take care of it,” she said. “Now, you’re on your own and you have to figure it out, so you need different coping strategies. Anytime there is an adjustment, it can bring up all kinds of different emotions. Sometimes students are not equipped to handle them because they’ve not had to before.”

Counselors will not suggest dropping a class or sport or quitting a job but will instead encourage students to focus on finding balance.

“If you’re just pushing yourself hard to do things, but you’re never taking any time just to relax and restore that energy, then you’re going to burn out,” Stephens said. 

Virtual Care Available to All Students

Students should not wait until there is a crisis to seek help. Stephens said that is where virtual care can be helpful. Students may still see a counselor in person, but virtual care is a 24-hour/seven-days-a-week option and a free service for Piedmont students. 

“It is a good resource. It’s good for them to go ahead and utilize it because even if they just talk to a person, a counselor there one time, it will kind of familiarize them with the process,” Stephens said. “It adds an extra layer of support.”

Students may talk to doctors and therapists and get on-demand crisis counseling through The Virtual Care Group. Once they register, there are several topics students may speak with board-certified doctors or licensed counselors about, including anxiety, bipolar disorders, depression, grief & loss, panic disorders, relationships, stress, and trauma & PTSD, as well as common physical ailments like ear or sinus infections and allergies. 

Those concerned about privacy should know that students may ask counselors to reserve a room designated for virtual counseling or talk to their resident advisors about securing a private location.

Nearly 190 Piedmont students have registered for The Virtual Care Group’s services. 

Students must learn to distinguish whether an issue is one they need help with or one they can handle on their own. It is all part of becoming an adult. 

“Encourage them to seek out whatever support they can, whether it’s talking to their coach or talking to faculty or coming to counseling,” Stephens said. “Be patient with them and help them tap into their own resiliency.” 

Sara McKellar

A Senior Shares Tips for Finals

By Sara McKellar ’22
Senior Marketing, Management Double Major

Understand that self-improvement, achievement, and actualization, should not come enrobed in self-destruction. Allow yourself room and the preparation to succeed.

Here are some tips as students prepare for finals week:

  • Get a good night’s rest before the exam. Do not plan to cram. You’ll find that brief, refreshing morning reviews are more effective than inundating yourself with information last minute. Plan your night and morning accordingly.
  • Sometimes “good enough” is enough. Sometimes your “best” isn’t the same as someone else’s. A low grade isn’t the end of the world if you do better the next time—even if by a point. Just try not to fail, though. That’d be a waste of money, and classes are expensive to retake.
  • Be self-aware enough to recognize when you are unprepared or need help with a subject. Do not wait until the final to think about tutoring, studying, finally reading the assignments. Its advantageous to you to know your capabilities and limitations in advance to those things being tested.
  • Trust your gut—you’re more likely to change your answer to something wrong if you spend too much time overthinking your answer. Sometimes what appears simple truly is that simple.
  • Raise your hand in class and ask questions. This isn’t high school. It’s not embarrassing that you don’t know or understand something. Everyone is in the same boat and chances are, if you have a question, there’s someone else in your class who is on the same page. 
  • Don’t rely on score curves. 
  • Do. Not. Cheat. EVER. You will be ignorant of class material as a result and be unable to apply said material in the real world. Don’t do it. Your future supervisor will thank you.

Freaked Out About Finals: Helping Your Student Cope with Stress

Finals are rarely fun. Students begin worrying about them well beforehand. Grades are at stake, and there may be little room for error depending on the course or student.

Piedmont University’s Licensed Professional Counselor Keyla Stephens said parents can help students through the toughest days of the semester by understanding what test anxiety and stress do to the body. It releases cortisol, a steroid hormone known as the body’s “internal alarm system.”

“It is one of the ways our bodies help us cope with physically or emotionally difficult situations. Cortisol causes an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, and thus, boosts energy so we can handle stress,” she said.

That is handy if we are in danger or the stressor is an upcoming performance or competition.

“However, being in this state at a constant level can derail our body’s functioning. When cortisol levels are elevated for too long without returning to baseline, cognitive processes are impacted and physical and emotional well-being suffers,” Stephens said.

That could mean trouble with memory, thinking clearly, and decision-making, all essential to performing well on tests.

Students should not skimp on exercise and sleep because both can support healthier responses to stress.

“There are things we can do to help stay within our own ‘window of tolerance’ and handle stress effectively, even during times of additional stress such as final exams,” Stephens said.

Here are five tips for handling test anxiety to share with students:

  1. Evaluate whether to stay up late studying by how much sleep you have been getting. (Study results showed that students performed, on average, four points higher on final exams than those who did not sleep at least eight hours per night)
  2. Eat well. It can be tempting to skip meals and grab snacks; however, this can lower energy and interfere with concentration.
  3. Pick a physical activity that you enjoy and aim for 20 minutes a day. Exercise can help reduce stress and improve memory and sleep.
  4. Organize your work and create a study schedule. Write down tasks and prioritize time for each. Simplify studying into manageable parts and incorporate breaks.
  5. Find time for yourself. Whether connecting with others, relaxing, or just unplugging for a few moments, take time to recharge in whatever way works for you.

“In the big picture, your mental health is more important than a grade,” Stephens said.

Piedmont Junior Madison Wright an Artist of the Month at Gallery

Madison Wright

Bleu Gallery honored Piedmont University junior Madison Wright as Artist of the Month in January. The gallery in Dahlonega, a town 45 minutes from Piedmont’s Demorest campus, features primarily Georgia artists.
Wright knew even as a toddler drawing “on the walls all over my house” that she wanted to be an artist. As a teenager, she gave engineering a try but came back to her first love. 

“To feel fulfilled in life, I must follow what I am passionate about,” she said.

Piedmont entered Wright’s radar while she was researching Georgia colleges with strong art programs. Piedmont made the list. While still in high school, she stayed on campus overnight (pre-COVID) for an admissions event — the Fine Arts College Experience (FACE) — and learned what it would be like to study art at Piedmont. 

“What piqued my interest the most was seeing the beautiful art building and its facilities,” she said. “My ultimate deciding factor to go to Piedmont was attending the FACE program and meeting the current art students and professors.”

“I loved seeing the one-on-one connection with the professors and the community of students, which I felt would benefit my academic goals,” Wright said.

At Piedmont, she has learned new techniques such as printmaking, and said she has “developed a more robust voice as an artist,” she said. Her art is inspired by nature. Her work also incorporates new ideas and perspectives from professors who teach subjects outside of the fine arts program, including English. 

Wright will graduate in 2023. She feels like she just got here.

“But I look back and see how much I have grown as an artist. I will leave Piedmont University to pursue a career as a studio artist, sharing my work with the masses,” she said. “I look forward to the journey ahead of me, and I am proud to become the artist that the younger me only dreamed of.”

View a video of Wright at Bleu Gallery talking about her work at

To learn more about the fine arts at Piedmont University, visit

Contact Us

Terrie Ellerbee
Specialist, Admissions and Parent Communications
706-778-8500 x2859