This program
Best fit for:
• First-time college students or transfers
• Students 18-22
• Residential students at our main campus
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Undergraduate Admissions
P: 706-776-0103
A degree that complements all academic disciplines.
English majors prepare for careers in the information economy by completing a challenging, writing-intensive curriculum focused on the study of a wide range of literary texts from the classics to postmodernism, as well as courses in film, creative writing, and literary criticism.
In addition to traditional classes devoted to major figures such as William Shakespeare and Toni Morrison, students have in recent years had the opportunity to study ekphrastic writing in Paris, Madrid, and Rome, to roleplay the trial of Galileo, to delve into the films of Alfred Hitchcock, to analyze dystopian science fiction, and to examine cross-cultural representations of cannibalism.
Our students have many opportunities for regional, national, and international travel, regularly participate in professional conferences and internships and may gain valuable professional experience and course credit as editors of Trillium, Piedmont University’s award-winning literary and arts journal.
While our students are attracted to the major through a love of literature, they also develop the writing and research skills required to meet the twenty-first century’s demands for critical and innovative thinking in the workplace. Both intellectually stimulating and practical in application, a major or minor in English complements all other academic disciplines, especially business, mass communications, theater, music, and art.
Recent graduates have pursued careers in law, publishing, business, journalism, public relations, computer programming, advertising, ministry, and teaching, as well as graduate degrees in English and Creative Writing.
Piedmont University and Mercer Law School have joined forces to provide the opportunity for Piedmont students to receive their bachelor of arts (BA) degree and juris doctor (JD) degree in six years. It's called the 3+3.
All students majoring in English must take 36 hours (12 courses) in English beyond the general education requirements. English majors may choose from two concentrations: literary studies, or creative writing. Students and their advisors will choose courses from five categories: 1) literary history, 2) literary genre, 3) reading and writing, 4) creative writing, and 5) major authors.
What classes will I take?
(See categories and content courses)
3 hours from ENGL 3000
12-15 hours from category 1
3-9 hours from categories 2, 3, or 4
3-9 hours from category 5
3 hours capstone
(See categories and content courses)
3 hours from ENGL 3000
12-15 hours from category 1
3 hours from category 2
12 hours from category 4
3 hours category 5
3 hours capstone
- Category 1: literary History*: ENGL 4408, ENGL 4415, ENGL 4421, ENGL 4426, ENGL 4427, ENGL 4428, ENGL 4429, ENGL 4430
- Category 2: genre: ENGL 3307, ENGL 3308, ENGL 3309, ENGL 3311, ENGL 3312
- Category 3: Reading Writing: ENGL 3335, ENGL 4401, ENGL 4431, ENGL 4432, ENGL 4440, ENGL 4450, ENGL 4455, ENGL 4456, ENGL 4460
- Category 4: creative Writing: ENGL 3392/4492, ENGL 3393/4493, ENGL 3394/4494, ENGL 4400
- Category 5: major Authors: ENGL 4402 (Chaucer), ENGL 4403 (Spenser-Milton), ENGL 4405 (Shakespeare), ENGL 4480 (designed topics)
* Note: students may substitute 3-6 hours of 2000-level surveys for category 1.
Prepare to Make a Life
What can I do with a major in ENGLISH?
Piedmont students have gone on to pursue careers in:
- Publishing
- Journalism
- Law
- Editorial Work
- Business
- Economics
- Advertising
- Marketing
- Publications
- Creative Writing
- Technical Writing
- Librarianship
Where do I start?
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