‘Piedmont Family University’ Webinar Launches Nov. 16
Piedmont University has launched a new webinar series called Piedmont Family University that will offer practical and timely advice for parents and family members of students at the university.
The first webinar, “Finishing the Semester Strong” will be held at noon on Wednesday, Nov. 16. Topics to be covered in this webinar will include what the end of the semester entails, barriers to success for first-year students, how students can get help when they face challenges, and overall advice to guide students to a successful conclusion to the semester.
Speakers include Dr. Steve Jacobs, Associate Dean of the School of Arts & Sciences; Ineke Dyer, Director of Student Support Services; and Sean Williamson, Director of Counseling Services.
“The first semester presents a number of challenges for students acclimating to university life. We encourage parents and family members to sign up for this informative webinar so that they may be aware of some of the key issues impacting their students at this point in the semester,” Jacobs said. “Moreover, we would like parents and family members to know where their students may find help that is available should they need it. We share the common goal of ensuring that students are set up well for a successful conclusion to the fall semester.”
While this webinar is designed for parents and families of first-year students, all are welcome to register. The webinar will be on-demand, and registration will continue even after it concludes. Those who register will receive a link to view the webinar at their convenience.
Sign up for the webinar at https://piedmont.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mNxIRQxORTqMeREVFG7wKg.