Piedmont University Hosting Several Halloween Events; Free and Open to the Community

Piedmont University is hosting several Halloween-themed events open to students, employees, and members of the community. All events are free.
These include:
Movie Night on the Quad
7 p.m., Oct. 14
The Quad is located at the center of the Demorest campus, 1021 Central Avenue.
The evening will include the premier of a student-produced short film called “Sister.” Seniors Tyler Goins and Caleb Rogers wrote and directed the film, about a young woman haunted by the grief of her deceased sister. Starring in the film are students Dakota Rose Chen, Lexie Partain and Dante Wilson. Goins and Rogers have won two Telly Awards and a Broadcast Education Award for their previous film “Overtime.” “Sister” may be inappropriate for young children. During the screening of “Sister,” Piedmont will offer a Halloween-themed story time in the Arrendale Library, located adjacent to the Quad. The night’s feature presentation, the Halloween classic “Hocus Pocus,” will begin at 7 p.m. Free popcorn and treats will be given away. Attendees are encouraged to bring their own blankets.
Team Piedmont Fall Festival
5-7 p.m., Oct. 18
Sand volleyball courts on Georgia Street, near the intersection of Georgia Street and Laurel Avenue.
Festivities will include pumpkin painting, pumpkin bowling, s’mores, sack races, professor pieing and more!
Trunk or Treat
6-8 p.m., Oct. 28
Swanson Center parking lot; Swanson Center is located near the intersection of College Drive and Maine Street.
For more information on events at Piedmont University, visit piedmont.edu/events.